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A. Daunorienė, J. Barynienė: “At the Annual Health Innovation Event “Kaunas I-Days 2022” – Ideas Proposing Solutions to Challenges in the Nursing Field” 11/15/2022

When looking for new solutions, a broad approach to the problem that reveals various perspectives is particularly important, so 8 interdisciplinary teams gathered on October 26-27 at the intensive practical workshop Kaunas EIT Health “Kaunas I-Days 2022” organised by the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU): “Transformation of Nursing Services” gathered where they developed innovative, practical and sustainable solutions for the transformation of nursing services. Read more here*.

A. Daunorienė: “KTU Starts Broadcasting a Podcast for Teachers: for Your Attention – the First Show” 12/15/2021

The EDU_Lab Centre of Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is launching a series of radio shows “EDU_Lab Dialogues” for KTU teachers and the academic community. In the new podcast, informal interviews are planned to encourage the sharing of experiences and insights about higher education didactics, actively inviting participants to learn about the presented topic as well as look for solutions and answers while organising and implementing the study process. Read more here*.

A. Daunorienė: “The Young Generation is Changing, and So Does their Learning Style” 10/01/2021

Currently, it is one of the most expensive companies in the world, but its success was not only due to a beautiful and attractive product design or a good operating system – challenge-based learning (CBL) created by the company helped Apple conquer the global market. Read more here*.

A. Daunorienė: “Challenge-Based Teaching will Help Universities in the Context of a Low-Touch Economy” 07-07-2020

Today, the regions of the world affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) are undergoing a transformation, which is shaping new habits, legal, political, cultural and other rules in terms of economy, based on reduced close-contact interactions. The current situation will change not only how we live, work, eat and spend our free time, but also how we learn and what kind of future we shape in the new economic context. Read more here*.

“Professor from Sweden about Changes in Education: Is What Happened There Repeating in Lithuania?” 01/06/2020

The essential learning does not take place in classrooms, laboratories, or electronic environments, but in the learner’s brain. Professor Ingemar Ingemarsson, who visited KTU, is convinced of this, and is unofficially named the pioneer of problem-based learning in engineering in Sweden, KTU announces. Read more here*.

International scientific event “New and Engaging Didactic Methods: Design  Thinking” 06/12/2019

On June 12-13, the scientific event “New and Engaging Didactic Methods: Design  Thinking” will be held at Panevėžys Faculty of Technology and Business (KTU PTVF) of Kaunas University of Technology. This is an international specialised upskilling programme aimed at spreading new advanced educational ideas and sharing experience in professional activities in Panevėžys. Read more here*.

J. Šiugždinienė, A. Daunorienė, J. Vitkuvienė: “What Could Kaunas Central Post Office Be Like in the Future? The Bag of Ideas Is Already Opened” 06/07/2019

As passions about Kaunas Central Post Office run high, the citizens took the initiative to take care of its future. While some are seeking to have the building declared a state-protected cultural heritage object, others are solving the question of what could be housed in it in the future. So far, Kaunas citizens associate the vision of the future of the post office building with culture, business and community. Read more here*.

R. Apanavičienė, G. Žigienė, J. Mikelionienė, A. Daunorienė: “What You Will Not Learn from Textbooks: KTU Implements Innovative Teaching/Learning Methods” 2018-05-23

“As the generations change, so do the students and their needs. The world’s most advanced universities are constantly improving their study programmes for students to better master theoretical knowledge and apply it more often in practice. We are looking for ways to promote students’ creativity in solving atypical and complex problems to make them ready for career challenges.

To successfully climb the career Olympus, you need to have various skills and not be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Professionals in their field these days need to have communication, problem-solving, teamwork, project management and various other skills.” Read more here*.

G. Tautkevičienė, A. Daunorienė: “New Generation Learning Spaces: What Inspires Innovation” 04/13/2018

“One of the new interdisciplinary fields, in which architecture and didactics are combined somewhat unexpectedly, is gaining momentum and is discussed not for the first time at the Next Generation Learning Spaces conference at the University of Manchester. We talk about this in more detail with the head of KTU Centre of Excellence in Learning and Teaching Edu Lab, Dr. Asta Daunorienė and the head of the Library Dr. Gintarė Tautkevičienė.” Read more here*.

The traditional republican physics competition of Prof. K. Baršauskas once again attracted schoolchildren from all over Lithuania (problem solutions) 06/03/2018

Read more here*.

I. Windeløw-Lidzélius, I. Visscher-Voerman, M. Dohmen, J. Barynienė, A. Daunorienė: “Modern Teaching: How to Develop Emotional Intelligence and Other Success Skills in Lectures” 12/12/2017

“Effective communication, networking, the ability to accept and understand another’s point of view, time management, and delegation of tasks are just a few of the qualities and competencies that those seeking a successful career in any field must possess. Although you probably will not find a study programme called “empathy” at any university, any good teacher will tell you that the necessary soft skills are also developed during lectures. During good lectures.” Read more here*.

T. Kivaras, A. Daunorienė. “The Voice of Students and Specialists: What Kind of Educators Does Lithuania Need Today? 22/07/2017

Read more here*.

KTU educator: “A Modern Teacher Must Be a Personal Coacher for a Student” 07/11/2017

“Not so long ago, a film about a teacher who meets his students at the door and greets each one of them in his own way went viral on social media. Although teacher Barry White Jr. only became a media celebrity after becoming famous through social media, he was considered a star by his students from the first moment they met. Why? Because he loves his work, involves students in activities and builds confidence.

When it comes to the needs of the modern market, about the importance of “soft” skills and competencies for a career, it becomes obvious that personality development plays an equally important (if not more important) role than conveying knowledge at all levels of the educational system. And teaching based on good relationships and empathy is important for achieving both goals.

A modern teacher’s relationship with students is based on trust, the ability to motivate the younger generation and encourage creation without the fear of failure,” says Asta Daunorienė, Head of the EDU_Lab Centre of Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU). Read more here*.

D. Romein, J. Vizgirdaitė, A. Daunorienė: “Upgrading Competencies in Teachers – a Way to Solve the Problems of the Educational System” 30/11/2016

“Even if we work at different universities, we have the same goal – to raise the level of education. We should all do this together: teachers, consultants, university management, educational policymakers,” says Dans Romein, an education consultant at Leiden University (Netherlands), who works closely with the EDU_Lab Centre of Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU). Read more here*.

“Where to Study. A Modern Teacher Not Only Teaches but Also Learns from Generation Z”. 10/11/2016

“Generation Z could teach us a quick response as well as virtual communication, so we need to think about how to integrate such elements into the study process,” says Asta Daunorienė, Head of the EDU_Lab Centre of Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU).

Comment by A. Daunorienė. “Students’ Stories Bring Both, Smiles and Sadness”. 01/08/2016

When choosing a specialisation, the advice is to find an activity you like and then you will not have to work – and the same logic applies to interesting studies. However, what are universities doing to attract the young people who come to study? Read more on Delfi*.

“EDU_Lab: Different Countries, Different Cultures, but the Same Questions of Teachers”. 15/05/2016

“The 3rd International Training Week “How to Teach English in a Non-English Speaking University” took place at KTU on 25 and 25 April. Teachers from all over the world visited KTU and discussed the challenges for teachers, especially when teaching in English. KTU EDU_Lab team actively participated in the week’s events, shared their experience and took examples of good practice from other universities, and established contacts for further cooperation.” Read more here*.  “KTU EDU_Lab: Different Kind of Lectures for the Modern Student”. 11/05/2016

“Research shows that we remember only 20% of what is said in a lecture and as much as 70% of what we learn by doing. Such lectures, where the student is involved in the lecture process and is given responsibility for the knowledge acquired, facilitate the teacher’s work and are also more appreciated by the students,” says Asta Daunorienė, Head of the EDU_Lab Centre of Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU). Read more here*.

R. Kubiliūnas, A. Račkovskis. “KTU EDU_Lab Mentors: Teaching Must Include Creativity and Improvisation”. 29/10/2015

“It is not enough for the teacher to be happy with the fact that he/she is good at teaching, the students should also be happy with the way the teacher works,” emphasises Ramūnas Kubiliūnas, teacher at KTU EDU_Lab Centre of Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Read more here*.

N. Putrienė: “KTU EDU_Lab is a Space for Teachers’ Experiments”. 16/09/2015

“A laboratory is not necessarily just a room “packed” with test tubes and scientific equipment. First of all, it is a place to welcome new ideas, conduct various research and tests. That is why the new KTU centre for teachers’ education is symbolically named EDU_Lab (educational laboratory),” say the creators of the EDU_Lab under development at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU).” Read more here*.

*ltu – information only in Lithuanian.



dr. Asta Daunorienė

Head of the Centre

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

dr. Jurgita Barynienė

Academic Competence Development Project Manager

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

dr. Vaida Jonaitienė

Academic Competence Development Coordinator, Expert at EDU-Lab

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

Studentų g. 50 st. – 110, Kaunas
phone: +370 670 10073