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2022-2024 Project Digital Transformation of Education (EdTech)

Project description:

The goal of the project is to increase the efficiency of the education system and the quality of learning outcomes with the help of educational technologies and innovations.

Project activities:

Introduction of the latest educational technologies in the education sector, enabling the development and testing of digital educational innovations (EdTech innovation development and testing platform) and strengthening the digital competencies of educators.

Development of technological solutions, necessary digital training and study resources in educational institutions (digital content) to enable personalised distance learning not only in pandemic conditions.

The project will strengthen the digital competencies of KTU teachers by applying the latest training programmes in line with EU practices, encouraging teachers to strengthen digital competencies during training or acquire additional qualifications. At the end of the training, the upskilling teachers will prepare digital training materials.

Students will acquire knowledge and skills relevant to an informatics teacher and the ability to apply them in developing students’ informational thinking and digital literacy, promoting students’ interest in digital technologies. Modern computer science subject and virtual teaching/learning methodologies are mastered. Practical skills are acquired in digital content creation, programming, data research, technological problem solving, communication and collaboration through virtual means. Students gain an understanding of safe behaviour and security requirements when using information technology.

Financing of the project: It is financed by means of 2021-2027 European Union funds, the “New Generation Lithuania” measure for economic revitalisation and increasing resilience, and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Project results: The project will create an EdTech platform for all educational institutions to participate in the development, testing and application of digital technologies and innovations in education.

High-quality digital teaching tools and digital infrastructure have been created, implementing a unified base of digital resources, developing digital teaching/learning tools

The digital competencies of teachers have been improved

Project implementation period: 09/01/2022 – 06/28/2024


Project partners: Kaunas University of Technology

2019-2021 Project Optimisation of Study Programmes and Strengthening of Pedagogical Competences in Teachers of Physical and Technological Sciences. In this project, EDU_Lab develops and implements new training programmes

Project description: To strengthen the quality of studies, respond to the changing needs of the labour market and comply with the characteristics of the dominant study model of advanced foreign universities, the study programme portfolio of Kaunas University of Technology will be optimised and the content of the study programmes will be fundamentally updated. During the project, the activities of the Academic Competence Centre for Teachers’ Didactics will be developed, developing the direction of improving the didactic competencies of technological and physical sciences, preparing didactic competence improvement programmes adapted to the specifics of these sciences and a team of teacher-mentors, developing the didactic competencies in teachers in these fields and promoting the networking of professional communities.

Project financing: EU Structural Funds project, financed by the European Social Fund according to the 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action programme measure No. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-738 “Improvement of the Network of Higher Education Institutions”.

Project results: Strengthened study quality and competitiveness of study programmes at the national and international levels, consolidated resources by introducing a modern study model and creating conditions and prerequisites for the sustainable strengthening of the pedagogical competencies in teachers of technological and physical sciences.

Project implementation period: 21/06/2019– 31/12/2021

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

2019-2021 Project ColLab

Project description:

Collaborative Platform for Teaching Innovation in Higher Education (ColLab) is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project coordinated by the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and the project partners are KTU, the University of Trento ( Italy), Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) and the University of Stavanger (Norway).

During the project, an educational platform is being created where high school teachers from various countries can exchange their knowledge and experience, share information that will facilitate a better understanding of the prevailing and latest trends in the teaching/learning fields, and create new initiatives and innovations. The project partners will have the opportunity to share their best practices with representatives of the universities participating in this project as well as other higher education institutions in Europe and the world.

The collaboration platform created during the ColLab project will be launched at the end of 2021. On this occasion, a presentation event will be held in Germany, inviting teachers from various higher education institutions who will have the opportunity to learn about the opportunities provided by the platform.

All universities participating in the project are members of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), so the results of the project “Cooperation Platform for Teaching Innovations in Higher Education (ColLab)” will be further developed and integrated into the ECIU university under development.

Project financing: ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union

Project implementation period: 02/12/2019– 01/03/2022

Project coordinator: University of Aveiro

Project partners: Kaunas University of Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, University of Trento, University of Stavanger

2019-2020 Project ECIU University. Coordination of KTU WP3 activities

Project financing: ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union

Project implementation period: 11/01/2019 – 10/31/2022

Project coordinator: UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE

Project partners: Hamburg University of Technology, Tampere University, Dublin City University, Aalborg University, Linköping University, University of Aveiro, University of Stavanger, University of Trento, University of Twente, Autonomous University of Barcelona

2017-2020 Project Learningshift | Coordination of the Future of Learning

The project aims to refine the basics of the “Future Teaching/Learning Journey” that will help create the teaching/learning communities, facilitators and learners of the 21st century.

Project goals:

Analyse research on learning innovations;

Assess opportunities and obstacles that impact changes in society, and especially changes in the educational environment;

Prepare a learning manifesto defining the Teaching/learning principles, values, competencies and pedagogical approach in the 21st century;

Create and implement an awareness-raising campaign and prepare training for sharing and promoting European-level discussions on the future perspectives of teaching/learning.

Project financing: ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union

Project results: A manifesto for the future of teaching/learning was prepared and presented;

A community has been gathered that will learn and promote active cooperation, share and jointly create new knowledge online;

The “Learningshift” learning programme is designed for teachers and lecturers have been trained who will later provide training and promote the programme.

Project implementation period: 01/12/2017 – 31/05/2020


Project partners: Centro de Formacao Profissional da Industria da Construcao Civil e Obras Publicas do Norte, Aalborg University, Kaunas University of Technology, Tampereen ökauleusaatio sr, Autens



dr. Asta Daunorienė

Head of the Centre

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

dr. Jurgita Barynienė

Academic Competence Development Project Manager

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

dr. Vaida Jonaitienė

Academic Competence Development Coordinator, Expert at EDU-Lab

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

Studentų g. 50 st. – 110, Kaunas
phone: +370 670 10073