

Decorative image


This once-a-year event aims to discuss future trends in higher education and share good practices in the application of innovations in the study process.

Target audience: KTU teachers and representatives of other Lithuanian higher education institutions

Date: the event takes place in December

STUDY QUALITY DAY 2024. Information will be published soon.

STUDY QUALITY DAY. Flexible learning pathways for a sustainable future: how to apply and how to adapt?


The transformation of the learning process to include flexible teaching and learning pathways is one of the key issues for higher education policy in a rapidly changing world. Flexible learning pathways are a learner-centred model of learning that allows each individual to choose a personalised learning process according to their needs.

The event programme includes presentations by experienced lecturers and practitioners, panel discussions and an inspiring story sharing session.


9.30-10.00 WELCOME!


10:00 – 10:10 OPENING OF THE EVENT


Prof. Patrick Cohendet – Professor at HEC Montreal (Canada),

change innovator, founder of the MosaiC creativity and innovation centre


Transforming the study process towards innovation: what, how and why?

Indrė Šuolienė – National Agency for Education

Head of the Centre for Educational Technology (“Edtech”)

Aurelija Valeikienė – Deputy Director of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education

Prof. Dr. Monika Petraitė – Professor at the School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology

Prof. Dr. Egidijus Kazanavičius – Professor at the Faculty of Informatics, Kaunas University of Technology

Prof. Paulius Vaitiekus – President of the Lithuanian Students’ Union

Moderator of the discussion – Dr. Kristina Ukvalbergienė, Director of the Department of Academic Affairs, Kaunas University of Technology Studies



During the Study Quality Day 2022, 5 experience sharing labs were organised, during which teachers shared their experience in applying new learning methods, discussed with the participants of the labs the possibilities of applying these methods, the role of teachers, and arising challenges.

The following labs were open to participants:

  1. Educational escape rooms in the study process (facilitators Dr. Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, Audronė Daubarienė). In this experience-sharing lab, participants discussed the use of escape rooms in the study process. Both virtual and physical escape rooms were presented in the lab, and their advantages and possible obstacles were discussed. In the discussion, the teachers unanimously agreed that this form of exercise activates the students and is liked by them.
  2. Artificial intelligence solutions for the study process (facilitators Dr. Daina Gudonienė, Dr. Evelina Stanevičienė). This experience-sharing lab focused on what to expect when dealing with artificial intelligence technologies. Participants could also try out UIZARD, a state-of-the-art AI-based technology for creating wireframes for various learning objects and websites.
  3. Challenge-based learning for sustainable future solutions (facilitators Dr. Inga Stasiulaitienė, Dr. Ben Gabriel Urbonavičius). In this experience-sharing lab, teachers had the opportunity to “taste” the challenge-based learning method. Teachers discussed key issues, created challenges and modelled solutions, thinking about their sustainability in the short and long term.
  4. Creative solutions in STEM learning (facilitated by Dr. Darius Eidukynas). This experience-sharing lab focused on how problem-based learning, case studies, design thinking, and challenge-based learning can be applied to various STEM tasks. Participants created their own tasks and discussed the difference between tasks and solutions. The sharing of experiences was enriched by various student- activating technological tools that help students to organise and reflect on the received information.
  5. Problem solving using LEGO (facilitator Dr. Jurgita Barynienė). In this experience sharing lab, participants were invited to play seriously and think with their hands. Participants could try out how LEGO can be used to solve various problems. They also discussed how learning can be done through play and why play is important for the learner.

After the experience sharing labs, participants were invited to a networking session, where they could meet like-minded people in an informal setting and continue their discussions on the experiences in the labs and the importance of innovations in the learning process.

EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES (EUA) PROJECT “Leadership and Organisation for Teaching and Learning at European Universities”

2021 – 2022

Objective: To strengthen leadership skills in teaching and learning activities and contribute to strategic change in European higher education institutions.

Funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.

The main activity of the LOTUS project is the Leadership Development Programme, which analyses the challenges of learning and teaching activities, such as student-centred learning, digitalisation, the development of didactic competencies of teachers, teaching and the acknowledgement of didactic competencies, etc. This programme aims to:

  • Promote the capacity of higher education institutions to develop and implement structured and systematic methods to improve learning and teaching activities;
  • Provide an opportunity for selected participants to exchange experiences and discuss leadership challenges in teaching and learning activities and key ongoing developments in their institutions;
  • Support the selected participants in the implementation of their self-identified strategic priorities through mentorship techniques.

STUDY QUALITY DAY. Study perspectives: how to foster innovation in the study process?


The aim of the event: to highlight the importance of innovations in the study process considering the future trends in higher education, to discuss the directions in promoting innovations in studies, and to share good practices in the application of innovations in studies.

Target audience: KTU teachers and representatives of other higher education institutions (100 participants)


9.30-10.00 WELCOME!


10:00 – 10:10 OPENING OF THE EVENT


Prof. Patrick Cohendet – Professor at HEC Montreal (Canada),

change innovator, founder of the MosaiC creativity and innovation centre


Transforming the study process towards innovation: what, how and why?

Indrė Šuolienė – National Agency for Education

Head of the Centre for Educational Technology (“Edtech”)

Aurelija Valeikienė – Deputy Director of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education

Prof. Dr. Monika Petraitė – Professor at the School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology

Prof. Dr. Egidijus Kazanavičius – Professor at the Faculty of Informatics, Kaunas University of Technology

Prof. Paulius Vaitiekus – President of the Lithuanian Students’ Union

Moderator of the discussion – Dr. Kristina Ukvalbergienė, Director of the Department of Academic Affairs, Kaunas University of Technology Studies



During the Study Quality Day 2022, 5 experience sharing labs were organised, during which teachers shared their experience in applying new learning methods, discussed with the participants of the labs the possibilities of applying these methods, the role of teachers, and arising challenges.

The following labs were open to participants:

  1. Educational escape rooms in the study process (facilitators Dr. Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, Audronė Daubarienė). In this experience-sharing lab, participants discussed the use of escape rooms in the study process. Both virtual and physical escape rooms were presented in the lab, and their advantages and possible obstacles were discussed. In the discussion, the teachers unanimously agreed that this form of exercise activates the students and is liked by them.
  2. Artificial intelligence solutions for the study process (facilitators Dr. Daina Gudonienė, Dr. Evelina Stanevičienė). This experience-sharing lab focused on what to expect when dealing with artificial intelligence technologies. Participants could also try out UIZARD, a state-of-the-art AI-based technology for creating wireframes for various learning objects and websites.
  3. Challenge-based learning for sustainable future solutions (facilitators Dr. Inga Stasiulaitienė, Dr. Ben Gabriel Urbonavičius). In this experience-sharing lab, teachers had the opportunity to “taste” the challenge-based learning method. Teachers discussed key issues, created challenges and modelled solutions, thinking about their sustainability in the short and long term.
  4. Creative solutions in STEM learning (facilitated by Dr. Darius Eidukynas). This experience-sharing lab focused on how problem-based learning, case studies, design thinking, and challenge-based learning can be applied to various STEM tasks. Participants created their own tasks and discussed the difference between tasks and solutions. The sharing of experiences was enriched by various student- activating technological tools that help students to organise and reflect on the received information.
  5. Problem solving using LEGO (facilitator Dr. Jurgita Barynienė). In this experience sharing lab, participants were invited to play seriously and think with their hands. Participants could try out how LEGO can be used to solve various problems. They also discussed how learning can be done through play and why play is important for the learner.

After the experience sharing labs, participants were invited to a networking session, where they could meet like-minded people in an informal setting and continue their discussions on the experiences in the labs and the importance of innovations in the learning process.

Forum on “Transforming Higher Education: strategic direction – alliances”.


The aim of the event: to present the expectations of European University Alliances and to highlight the main challenges to achieving results. The event brings together representatives of public and public authorities, higher education visionaries and practitioners from the European University Alliances to discuss. The Forum discussed the ongoing transformation of the role of European universities.

Article about the event

“ECIU University Days 2020: challenges worthy of higher education”.


With the theme “Challenges worthy of higher education”, the event focused on innovations in digitalisation and high-technology, sustainable economic development, their impact on higher education and the characteristics of future generations. In the discussions, students, academics, business partners and experts shared their experiences and tried to find a common answer to the question of possible future directions for the University.

The first day of the event was dedicated to the participants of the ECIU University Initiative, the social partners and business representatives who joined. Various workshops focused on the ECIU University and the relevant skills and competences, on the challenges posed by the social partners, on the subtleties of the challenge-based learning methodology and its integration into the flexible learning process.

The second day’s event is open to the public and anyone interested in learning more about what ECIU University is and what it aims to achieve, as well as hearing about the latest global trends that could affect the established education system, was invited to attend.

Article about the event


STUDY QUALITY DAY 2018 “Study quality: a step forward is necessary, but which one?”


The aim is to share experiences on quality and innovation in studies.


8:30 Registration of participants

9:00-9:10 Welcome speech

9:10-10:00 Higher Education 2040. Prof. dr. Bert van der Zwaan, Rector of Utrecht University, author of Higher Education 2040. Q&A

10:10-10-40 The KTU study model – what is it? And why do we need one? KTU Vice-Rector of Studies, Assoc. Prof. dr. Jonas Čeponis. Questions and Answers

10:40-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-13:00 Best practice sharing session:

  • “Student assessment as a learning process”– Prof. dr. Eglė Staniškienė
  • “Why and how to start. The PBL experience”– Assoc. Prof. dr. Lina Šeduikytė
  • “Is PBL a more effective teaching method than the traditional one?”– Assoc. Prof. dr. Inga Stasiulaitienė
  • “Application of Information Technologies to Ensure Compulsory Participation of Students in Academic Sessions of Study Modules”– dr. Ramūnas Kubiliūnas”
  • “Application of Open Learning in Practice”– Lect. Daina Gudonienė
  • “Design Thinking Method: from IQ to WeQ”– Assoc. Prof. dr. Aldona Augustinienė
  • “Interdisciplinary knowledge on sustainable development through games and discussions”– Lect. Živilė Šimkutė
  • “Lecture as a narrative”– Lect. Neringa Dubauskienė

Article about the event

ECIU Masterclass “Curricula for the future: leadership and (re)construction”


The aim of the event: to rethink the process of (re)designing and developing study programmes with a particular focus on the leadership component.

The event was part of the MASTERCLASS programme of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) and was organised in cooperation with KTU, University of Twente and “Kaospilot” University of Alternative Business.

Article about the event

Study Quality Day



dr. Asta Daunorienė

Head of the Centre

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

dr. Jurgita Barynienė

Academic Competence Development Project Manager

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

dr. Vaida Jonaitienė

Academic Competence Development Coordinator, Expert at EDU-Lab

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

Studentų g. 50 st. – 110, Kaunas
phone: +370 670 10073