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Design Thinking

Training content

  • The essence of the Design Thinking method.
  • Practical application of the method: understanding and observation phases; attitude and imagination phases; development and improvement phases.

Criteria for participants

This training is for beginners and experienced teachers.

You are requested to

  • Plan your schedule so that you could devote all your days only to the training;
  • Be prepared to switch off your mobile phones;
  • Actively participate in the training tasks and have discussions with the other participants to make the training useful for you, your colleagues and the teachers;
  • Not to be afraid to make mistakes because mistakes are the best teachers.

We aim to create a safe environment to test innovations that could become tools in your daily work.


  • “Thank you for the provided knowledge which I will definitely put into practice”
  • “Excellent organisation of the process, procedure, time management, it was great to have a specific example to try in the training”

The training is designed for:

Providing teachers with the knowledge and practical skills to apply design thinking method in the study process


Please check the registration section for available training dates


2 days / 16 hours


KTU Innovative Learning Space, EDU_Lab, Studentų g. 50-110, Kaunas

Number of participants:

Maximum number of participants 18

Training materials:

Training materials are provided during the training


After completing the course, participants will be able to apply a design thinking method in the study process to address a real-world challenge, introducing the design thinking process through a learner-centred approach.

The training is conducted by

Portrait of the team member Asta Daunorienė

Asta Daunorienė
Expert at EDU_Lab

Portrait of the team member Jurgita Barynienė

Jurgita Barynienė
Academic Competence Development Project Manager of EDU_Lab, Expert

Portrait of the team member Darius Eidukynas

Darius Eidukynas
Expert at EDU_Lab

Portrait of the team member Jurga Vitkuvienė

Jurga Vitkuvienė
Expert at EDU_Lab


dr. Asta Daunorienė

Head of the Centre

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

dr. Jurgita Barynienė

Academic Competence Development Project Manager

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

dr. Vaida Jonaitienė

Academic Competence Development Coordinator, Expert at EDU-Lab

Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block

Studentų g. 50 st. – 110, Kaunas
phone: +370 670 10073