The training is provided in the English language. Participants must have reached B2 level of the English language.
We aim to create a safe environment to test innovations that could become tools in your daily work.
The training is designed for:
Teachers who want to learn or update their knowledge on the construction of a module, choosing the teaching methods and creating an effective feedback system
Please check the registration section for available training dates
2 days / 16 hours
KTU Innovative Learning Space, EDU_Lab, Studentų g. 50-110, Kaunas
Number of participants:
Maximum number of participants 12
Training materials:
Training materials are provided during the training
After completing the course, participants will be able to apply appropriate and advanced didactic methods, reflect on their teaching skills, and improve the overall structure of their study module.
Academic Competence Development Project Manager
Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block
email jurgita.baryniene@ktu.lt
Academic Competence Development Coordinator, Expert at EDU-Lab
Studentų st. 50, 1C5b block
email vaida.jonaitiene@ktu.lt
Studentų g. 50 st. – 110, Kaunas
phone: +370 670 10073
email edulab@ktu.lt